We need more trees in Chiang Mai to make it more comfortable for cyclists throughout the day and to help encourage others to get out of their cars and use their bicycles instead.

Millingtonia hortensis ปีป , tall and green, and yellow Cassia fistula คูณ. Near the PEA gate.

As viewed from above when Cassia is in leaf.

Along the main Irrigation Canal from Mae Daeng, Chiang Mai has paths for cycling and running. Comfortable after sunset, these paths are often blisteringly hot in the daytime. The only part of the trail which runs north from the Pucome intersection, which has adequate shade is an unsurfaced section, littered with rubbish in the southern section. See the last air photo above.

Evening photo. Ugly power lines dominate , and hot and shadeless by day.

Evening photos. Ugly power lines dominate, and it’s hot and shadeless by day.

It’s better to remove the unsightly Teak trees for timber and plant new better local shade trees, away from overhead wires.

Cassia can be gorgeous for a few weeks but unsightly for much of the year.

Milingtonia trees are tall, straight and well distant from power lines

More Milingtonia trees could be planted to provide great protection for cyclists throughout the day.

Shady path closed to prevent rubbish dumping.