August 28th 2015 a.d. Ten years on from initial tree planting at Huai Teng Tao by Gum Hak Doi Suthep and students and staff from Payap International College English Program join the effort to restore the floral biodiversity to Chiang Mai’s premier recreation site.

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Payap International College Students

Often tree planting is poorly done in Thailand with inadequate, or should one say no, attention to the perennial problem of competing weed growth and exposure to the soil from dry season dessication by the hot Sun.

As this video made by one of the students Esther attending shows, students were given practical work to demonstrate these issues. Starring in the video is Antoinette VanDerWater, from Bring the Elephant Home who also brought more volunteers along a week later. And the good news about the students is, they liked weeding so much that they want to return to do some maintenance of the young trees in October and other volunteers are welcome.

Follow up work is also being carried out by the Meur Yen Ban Yen volunteers who planted recently around Chiang Mai moat as this photo of recently staked trees shows. So perhaps the idea of after care for trees is catching on?