By 25th December in the northern hemisphere the days are starting to get longer now that we have passed the longest night. So it is time to celebrate the Sun’s victory over darkness, just as the Romans of old did.
This morning the mercury (actually red coloured alcohol in my thermometer ) dropped to 13 C in Chiang Mai, -2 on Doi Inthanon, but undeterred I placed my trusty black bucket full of water out to catch the heat as the Sun rose.
At 2:20 pm the air had risen to 25 C and I went to check the water temperature and there you have it : 38 C. Perfect for a bath, but had no time.
Returning home at 5:20 pm the reading was :
34 C and 15 minutes to go before the Sun would disappear behind the mountain. With no time to loose a quick warm bath was taken.
With the right timing no need for a fossil fuel powered water heater. Thanks Sun.
Today at around 3:00 pm – perfect bathe.