A culinary surprise hit me some years ago when I moved to Chiang Mai. That was the abundance of freshly made yoghurt available in full milk or low fat varieties with no sugar added.

These were not available from the omnipresent 7-eleven stores which had pre-flavoured and sweetened varieties, but could be bought in smaller grocer shops such as Aden and Kasem Store.

Having developed what was becoming an expensive habit, with the price now at 160 baht for a couple of days supply, I was pleased when David Sampson, who then running West Restaurant offered a supply at 70 baht a jar.

Then after a while David kindly told me how I could make yoghurt myself, and the recipe appears below.

Sadly David is no longer with us having passed away last July, and a lovely tribute to him is written by his old friend and customer in Bert’s blog.

So every morning I think of David and every other day I follow his instructions:

1. Take 3 desert spoons of yogurt and put in a clean jar

2. Top up the jar with milk of choice and stir well

3. Put on the jar lid and put in a warm place.

It should be set in around 12 hours and ready to eat. Don’t make the mistake I made of topping up an almost empty jar with milk, as the yoghurt which is exposed to air for sometime develops an unsavoury  odour.


And the home made price? Around 40 baht.