Visitors to Chiang Mai tiring of the glitter and idolatry of temples with concreted car parks are known to seek out Wat U-Mong situated in a forest setting south of Chiang Mai University.

If your thinking of going that way, do not delay, as on the way, Horray Horray the Shorea roxburghii trees (Payom), only around 200 metres from Suthep Rd are a glorious sight.


Wat U-Mong is a kilometre or so further along the road and for places to admire big trees keep going to the Dipterocarpus alatus (Yang Na) trees of Wat Rampoeng on the left and further to Wat Pong Noi which has two huge Holoptelea integrifola (Kajao) giants.

.. and please come back in April to collect seed and grow trees.

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