The Thai government “Water is Life” 350 billion baht mega project exhibition began touring the provinces in late October 2013 and an account of the Chiang Mai meeting appears here. At the exhibition staff claimed the details were on a government website but could not give its address and a web search has failed to locate it.

In order to give the Thai people access to the information pictures from the exhibition are presented below and will be supplemented as they become available from readers. Please send in any photos and text you think helpful to expanding this online exhibition.

Note: to see details click on an image and again to magnify the image when it appears with descriptive notes:

Hot Earth 2009Hot Thai 2011Maximum Temperature Anomoly, September 2103

The first two pictures above were a fitting start to the show, but as the map of Australia shows the situation is worsening rapidly.

The exhibition had no discussion of forest fire which exacerbates flooding, while contributing to heating the planet, which in turn increases both fire and typhoon frequency and intensity.

Flood Protection WallsGovernment River Frontage Ideal

 Above: The construction contractor friendly vision for river bank management.

Small Actions Plan MapForest Restoration Plans

Above: Extensive small scale disruption to streams is planned

Below : Plans for Dams  have led to anxiety and protests.

Northern Dam PlanPing River Dam Sites

Mae Jam protesters march to the meeting.

Pictures of participants at the Chiang Mai meeting:

Stop Mae Kahn DamRiot control Police at the readyBike Tee Shirt