This week past wrote a report following yet another a Mayoral press release about this park where volunteers have been doing to job of the City.

The photos below were taken on Monday 26th August 2013. One of our volunteers wrote concerned that small trees planted would all be bulldozed. A careful examination of the photos shows that many and possibly most were spared by the dozer operator, so thanks go to him.

 Kanchana Pisek Park - trees spared by the bulldozer

Kanchana Pisek Park – trees spared by the bulldozer

Dozing at Kanchana Pisek Park

Dozing at Kanchana Pisek Park

Dozing at Kanchana Pisek Park

Dozing at Kanchana Pisek Park

Dozing at Kanchana Pisek Park

Dozing at Kanchana Pisek Park