Recently the government had a public relations event to promote “Slow Tourism” in Chiang Mai & Lamphun, and even went so far as to mention bicycles, but not bike lanes or other improvements which would make cycling easier, safer and more attractive.  Just take a look at the picture below to see how a pleasant ride under trees around the moat becomes an obstacle course which could be fixed with a few ramps and lines painted on the road:

Will we keep riding on ?

Will we keep riding on ?

Why won’t the city listen to concerns of cyclists?

.. we might as well walk.

.. we might as well walk.

Riding is just too difficult here ...

Riding is just too difficult here …

Impossibly narrow footpath

Impossibly narrow footpath

Obstacle course heading North at Suan Dok Gate

Obstacle course heading North at Suan Dok Gate

Uh uh !  Just look what's ahead !

Uh uh ! Just look what’s ahead !