How dry is it this year I wondered?  So I went to the Met office by the airport and was given their website link, with daily rainfall, temperature etc readings for years back. From these I computed the following table:

Rainfall Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
2013 25 31.6 17.1 1.2 89.9
2012 11 0 8.3 75.9 216.4 55.9 106.5 185.4 179.6 80.1 38.8 1
2011 2.6 0.8 60.4 92.6 292.7 216.8 191.2 260.8 254.9 69.7 6.7 0.6
2010 21.7 0 4.3 3.9 46.4 122.7 114.5 470.6 196.2 169.6 0 6.1
2009 0 0 16.7 97.9 142 140.2 124 126.8 191.7 223.4 0 7.5
2008 16.6 13.8 9.4 57.2 158.7 147.1 101.6 170.9 236.4 188.1 34.1 7.1
2007 0 0 0 56 393.5 130.1 74.6 153.2 179.8 64.6 73.5 0
Average 10.99 6.6 16.6 54.96 191.4 135.5 118.7 228 206.4 132.6 25.52 3.717

The average rainfall from Jan to May is 280.5

So the five months to May 2013 are the second driest period in 7 years and with the May total less than half the average. With only 11 days to got to the end of a hot and so far dry June , the advice from all the Forest Department Tree Nurseries I have had, not to request trees for planting until July, is best heeded. Unless, that is, abundant water and labor are available for newly planted trees.