No doubt some have been wondering why some of the Red Songtaews in Chiang Mai show the letters CMU and what they mean? .. Well to digress for a moment:

When I first attended university in 1963 – yes 50 years ago, I and my classmates found it a liberating experience.

No more dreary school uniforms,  No more boring school assemblies. No more singing the national anthem with its nonsense about God and the Queen.  No more forced religious instruction. No more bullying “Physical Education”.

… and I forgot to say No SOTUS . This was the top University in the state but not in a country of Imperial masters such as Great Britain or the USA where militarism was embedded in the psyche of the ruling class.

In their place we had an Orientation Week for Freshers. The emphasis was on extra curricular activities. The University was a place of much intellectual diversity and the student union building was the scene of displays of activities by the many student clubs and societies – political, religious and anti-religious, cultural, arts and music, sports and various others I cannot recall. …oops now I recall, one group was the Melbourne University Regiment who told me the Vietnamese Communists were the enemy of the Australian Army, but most emphatically not mine.

There were no assemblies, no marching, no standing in straight lines and of course there was extra extra curricular activities, now that we were eighteen but just as well the pubs shut at 6 p.m.

So how does this compare with what happens here at Chiang Mai University?

Well these pics show what is intended:



"A Million Butea monosperma (Flame of the Forest) Trees" - Freshy Greeting Project to plant volunteerism & social development.

“A Million Butea monosperma (Flame of the Forest) Trees” – Freshy Greeting Project to plant volunteerism & social development.

Conformity Matters Utmost

The pics tell their story and the nearest big pub to CMU closes at 3.30 a.m.

Note: The tree planting pics might well be for graves of soldiers sent to the south; all in straight lines, all the one species Butea monosperma “the emblem of CMU” , no diversity showing what else grows in the grounds of CMU.

Perhaps some folk could fill in some details beyond the issue of SOTUS?

There are now a growing number of new Facebook pages e.g.  anti-SOTUS-CMU & anti-SOTUS-International