In 2010 the agenda for tree planting was hijacked by a monied organisation calling it self “Chiang Mai Keow Suay Hom”.
Despite thousands of trees being planted – mostly the wrong species e.g. large numbers of Ratchapreuk trees yet again), in the wrong place (e.g under powerlines) for the wrong reason (e.g. green washing) there were some success stories (e.g Railway Park).

This year there is talk of planting alongside the Mae Kha Canal, much of which was over-dredged last year.

Much of the debris now lining the banks of the canal is hazardous and full of bottles and other dangerous materials.

How can we best deal with this legacy?

Some indigenous trees are in stock at nurseries thanks to efforts from earlier years. Where would you like to help plant these? How can we organize aftercare?