Chiang Mai National Children’s Day Event Now in its successful 2nd year!
Saturday 8th January 2011 8am to 12 noon Details and venue below
(historic wooden building and earth house on Ratchawithi Road at UDIF centre at the junction / traffic lights behind Yupparaj School) Please call to let them know you are coming- Thanks Muan Ngun Wandek 2554 (Joyful Children’s Day 2011)
Why organize this event?
Children will be responsible for the future of our country; therefore education to develop good character into their adulthood. In particular, they should have the love of care and respect, environmental awareness, and to know how to manage waste properly. “Chiang Mai Iam” project which has a mission to create Chiang Mai as a healthy city and it co supporters wished to co-organize a special event for children’s day 2011 to bring the children to the limelight. Now in its second year! This event will be memorable for the children. They will be joyful, and entertained by several activities that cannot be experienced elsewhere they will also discover many new things that are important for the development of their character.
1. To entertain and organize recreational activities for the children on Children’s Day
2. To provide a learning port which integrates delightful activities that will instill environmental awareness, especially on climate change and waste management issues for children and their parents who join this event
3. To support the children to have creative ideas and encourage them to express their dreams of their city Expected Results Children will be joyful, gain more experiences and learn many new ideas through a variety of play activities.
Venue: Creative Urban Solutions center: Chiang Mai Learning Center Date and time: Saturday 8, January, 2011 from 8:00-12:00
Co-organizers – Urban Development Institute Foundation (Chiang Mai) – Chiang Mai University: Urban and Environmental Studies Section, Social Research Institute Department of Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering – Payup University: Faculty of Music – Rotary Club of Chiang Mai, North and West – Lanna Dog Rescue – Chiang Mai College of Dramatic Arts – Holistic Environment Urban School Program (HEUSP) – Lanna Environment Protection and Sustainable Agriculture Club Program – On Stage Activities: Puppet Show, Country Music (Looktooong), B-Boy, Live music, Q-A, Talent Shows –
Activities: Saard Game, Jigsaw, Goopgup Contest, Bowling, make your own “Kranom Krok”, learn how to make a food container from banana leaves, express your ideas on Chiang Mai city and much more, –
Exhibitions: See how artificial pond treats water pollution, How you can value added waste and turn them to valuable items – Sample traditional desserts, cookies, and receive presents and prizes when participating in activities – Each child will plant and bring home a pot plant This Joyful Children’s Day 2011 will be a low CO2 event, please bring your own water containers We welcome everyone!
Please inform us in advance to prepare food and beverages Contact: Urban Development Institute Foundation 053-326560 : Smon (086-654-6834) Best, Caroline (Kare) ‘Pilot Project’ Holistic Environment Urban Schools Program, Chiang Mai, (HEUSP) mobile +66 083 1523621, member of Northern Climate Change Network (NCCN) Climate Justice Now! ……” Good Actions Require Everyone’s Cooperation……” Jing Si This project has zero official funding and relies solely on the positive energy generated within our Chiang Mai Community We are a proud supporter of local Chiang Mai Community ‘grass roots’ initiatives towards a sustainable future for our Children.
ม่วนงันวันเด็ก ครั้งที่ 2/2554 เด็กและเยาวชนเป็นกำลังสำคัญที่จะพัฒนาประเทศในอนาคต ดังนั้นเขาควรได้รับการบ่มเพาะเพื่อสร้างอุปนิสัยที่ดีต่อไปในวันหน้า โดยเฉพาะความมีวินัยในการรักษาความสะอาด ความตระหนักต่อสิ่งแวดล้อม และการมีมุมมองใหม่ในการจัดการของเหลือใช้ ดังนั้นคณะทำงานม่วนงันวันเด็กจึงเห็นควรจัดกิจกรรมวันเด็ก เพื่อให้ความสำคัญแก่เด็ก ให้เป็นวันพิเศษที่สนุกสนาน ให้ความบันเทิงและมีกิจกรรมนันทนาการแก่เด็กด้วยกิจกรรมที่แตกต่างจากงานอื่นๆ เป็นแหล่งเรียนรู้ที่สอดแทรกความรู้ในเรื่องของเมืองเชียงใหม่และการจัดการสิ่งแวดล้อมโดยเฉพาะการจัดการขยะ น้ำเสีย และปัญหาโลกร้อน จากการเล่นกิจกรรมที่สนุกสนานและเป็นการปลูกฝังจิตสำนึกให้แก่เด็ก เยาวชนและผู้ปกครองที่มาร่วมงาน และให้เด็กได้สัมผัสการละเล่นและขนมพื้นบ้านที่นับวันจะสูญหายไป ได้ออกกำลัง ได้แสดงความสามารถและจินตนาการ
จัดที่ไหน ศูนย์สร้างสรรค์เมืองเชียงใหม่: แหล่งเรียนรู้นอกห้องเรียน (สี่แยกกาดบุญอยู่เก่า เยื้องโรงเรียนยุพราช)
วัน เวลา วันเสาร์ที่ 8 มกราคม 2554 เวลา 8:00-12:00 น.
หน้างาน : แมสคอทแสนน่ารัก @ น้องฟ้าใส น้องใบตอง น้องใบหม่อน
กิจกรรมบนเวที : การแสดงหุ่นมือเล่านิทาน, การเต้น B-Boy, การแสดงดนตรีสด, การเต้นประกอบเพลง, ตอบปัญหาชิงรางวัล และการแสดงความสามารถของเด็กๆ ที่มาร่วมงาน
กิจกรรมอื่นๆ : เกมวิ่งสะอาด, เกมจิ๊กซอ, เกมดีดดึ๋งปราบมลพิษ, กุ๊บกั๊บพาเพลิน, เกมโบว์ลิ่งกลิ้งก๊าซเรือนกระจก, ปลูกต้นไม้ในขวดน้ำรีไซเคิล, ประกวดสิ่งของจากถุงนมและเศษวัสดุอื่นๆ, วาดภาพเมืองในฝันของเด็กๆ, แบบสนามเด็กเล่นที่ส่งเข้าประกวด, ชมการแสดงของน้องหมา, ชมบ้านไม้อายุ 80 ปีและนิทรรศการเกี่ยวกับเมืองเชียงใหม่ และชมบ้านสร้างจากดินและขยะ
นิทรรศการน่าสนใจ : เพื่อนสุนัขตัวจ้อย, การแป๋งขี้เหยื้อหื้อเป๋นทุนจากวัสดุที่เคยถูกเผา, เต็นท์โลกร้อน สัมผัสปรากฏการณ์เรือนกระจก
อาหาร แคะขนมครก: ลิ้มชิมรสขนมครกที่ผู้ร่วมงานได้แคะเอง พร้อมหัดทำกระทงจากใบตอง และชิมขนมหายากของไทย, หมี่น้ำอ้อย อาหารแสนอร่อยของล้านนา
องค์กรร่วมจัด: มูลนิธิสถาบันพัฒนาเมือง (เชียงใหม่), กลุ่มศึกษาเมืองและสิ่งแวดล้อม สถาบันวิจัยสังคม มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม่, เครือข่ายนักผังเมืองเชียงใหม่, Rotary Club of Chiang Mai North and West, Holistic Environment Urban School Program (HEUSP), ล้านนาด๊อกเรสคิว, และอื่นๆ
องค์กรสนับสนุน: ห้างหุ้นส่วนจำกัด ศิริวงศ์พานิช, เซ็นทรัล โรบินสันแอร์พอร์ต เชียงใหม่, ร้านชูชัย, กองกลางมหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม่, หอศิลปวัฒนธรรมเมืองเชียงใหม่ และอื่นๆ
I have a suggestion – a request – to UDF. This arises out of comments made at the mayor’s meeting in July.
Aj Doungchan suggested we make our city a “Low Carbon City” (LCC) and the the former president of the CM Chamber of Commerce asked the mayor if he would dare to exclude all motor traffic from old city within the moat.
This second idea would certainly advance the LCC concept and I think it is something to be aimed for. But I think to be fair to the mayor and the people who live and work in the area, eliminating motor trafic needs to be done in a phased manner and the two suggestions need to be strongly promoted.
To do this I suggest the following:
1. For the time being declare UDF to be the “Red Centre against Climate Catastrophe” in addition to the other roles you envision for the place.
2. That we paint the front of the UDF building red and write a large slogan say “No more cars & motorbikes for Old Chiang Mai” or something like that (in Thai of course).
3. Campaign in the area, especially in the schools, to ban motor traffic within the moat on weekdays in the morning & evening times when students are coming and going to and from school.
This approach will have the advantage of taking political heat off the mayor so he can go along with the suggestion arising from the people and allow people to alter their business arrangements for goods deliveries. Other things might also be promoted e.g. more new samlors (not tuk-tuks), bicycle hire & parking, return of the ox cart.
It would also firmly put the new centre on the map and attract visitors to participate in activities.
This suggestion will involve some expense and I will be happy to donate a big can of red paint and help with working bees.
A note about Red. Red is a colour meant to attract attention both because of its brilliance and because of the support Chiang Mai people have shown for the Red Shirt movement. This is not a Red Shirt idea but it will not hurt to leave people guessing and wondering.
Please note, the following comments were sent by email from a visitor, Ricky:
I went along with my seven-year-old today and thought I’d share a few thoughts:
1) My daughter failed to be enthused by almost anything that had been laid oo and we didn’t stay long – although she can be hard to please. It just didn’t have the appeal she (and we) was expecting and there was no evidence of what I wanted to see: use of artificial ponds to treat water, making a food container from banana leaves, and the pot plants.
2) Having read of what may well be Chiang Mai’s most serious pollution problem, that of air quality, it was irritating to see copious, and unnecessary cooking fumes pouring from one of the stalls. The lady concerned obviously hadn’t the slightest clue – not a good message for you guys to be sending out.
3) Much as I appreciate the lack of budget, the signs for the recycling bins for the children to choose the things to put in, in the corner, had been drawn in a hurry in a quite unprofessional manner with little resemblence to the proper signs oh the main bins elsewhere. It may have been nice to have them done by a child, but ultimately it wasn’t helpful.
4) As a Brit visiting my family, who live here, I do not read any Thai so was all at sea with regard to most of the signs and written material about the place. Whilst not wishing to be accused of cultural imperialism, I respectfully suggest that signs include English language translations for not just the likes of myself, but also so others can have additional opportunity to see use of the international language of business which will be of particular help if they go overseas.
Thanks very much for trying to educate children about this very important subject.
Please note, the following comments were sent from Caroline via email, Ricky:
A Big Thank-you for the 2nd year! to all those who joined us at the Chiang Mai Low Carbon Children’s Day Event on Saturday 08th January 2011.
Held this year at the New Venue – Urban Development Centre (Earthen House) on Ratchawithi Road.
We would like to say a Big Thank-you to……………
Thank-you to all the staff at UDIF especially Acharn Duongcharn Charoenmuang who has tirelessly spread the word of change and sustainability for a better caring Chiang Mai community and inviting us to join the event
Thank-you to all the staff especially the Ladies at Huay Kaew Nursery of the National parks and plants Dept. at the base of Doi Suthep for donating the local tree saplings.
Thank-you to everyone at the Tessabahn Chiang Mai plant Nursery out at Mae Hia for plants and bags of soil.
Thank-you to Khun Paradee and staff of Bohdi Serene Boutique Hotel for supporting the event for the 2nd year and coming to join us and help out with planting
Thank-you to Judith and all the staff and Managment of Riverside Restaurant for supporting the event for the 2nd year and donating all the icecream for everyone at the event.
Thank-you to teachers and students of Puttisopon Primary School to dance at the event.
Thank-you to Ricky of OurChiang who helped with his time and transporting 500 local indigenous tree saplings
and sharing his knowledge and support on local trees for a local community
Thank-you to Pung for giving up his own Children’s Day to help other children plant and learn about how much fun it is for parents and children alike to feel soil in your hands, sign a plant pledge and nurture a plant to take home and care for!
Thank-you to Thamanoon and Lila for supporting and helping their Mum!
Thank-you to members of Lanna Community Life Network (LCLN) formerly NCCN especially to Kirk, Tomoko, Punika (Ja), Alex, Grace and Dave to giving up their precious spare time from hectic work schedules to help out at this event.
Along with other members of Lanna Community life Network (LCLN) they have been involved in many actions promoting awareness of our community’s health, the environment and our natural resources.
Including local actions such as a ‘Community Peoples Pledge’ to lower carbon use with many local influential people signing up including the Mayor, the Governor, Chao Duong Duen Na Chiang Mai, many regional directors of central government ministeries and most recently British Honorary Consul, Ben Svasti Thomson – UK Consulate.
More than 10,000 pledges so far with students, their teachers A. Sawat from Yupparaj High School, Kru Nongluck from Puttisopon School and Kru Maem Anubahn Panee (all schools part of Holistic Environment Urban Schools Program HEUSP) Rural Women’s Organic Farmer’s groups and most importantly families leading the way.
If you would like to find out more and would like to join an action or for regular meetings with LCLN see contact details below English / Thai / Japanese
Finally a very big Thank-you to all the children, parents, neighbours, friends old and new and fellow Chiang Mai Community who without your support we could not and cannot make Chiang Mai a better sustainable place to live for everyone urban and rural!
For more info: English 0831-523 621 ไทย 0892634422 Japanese 0812-884-216 LCLN initiative Sept2010