Doi Suthep gives Chiang Mai so much:
Not only a nice spot for a picnic or a view of the city, there are some great hikes on it, in some great bits of jungle. There’s good birdwatching -I’ve seen fireback pheasants and lots of racket-tailed drongos- Great plantlife- check out the raffelesia flowers near the biggest fig tree I’ve ever seen-
…more than this, Doi Suthep gives us water and clean air. I live near the base and every evening there is this wind that rushes down off the slopes and into the city; it is cool and pollution free. The whole mountain is a retreat from the city in hottest and dirtiest times of the year. If you want to escape you can camp at Montatarn waterfall or the summit of Doi Pui- you can even rent a tent!
I think this mountain is the icon of this city, we should appreciate it for all its simple glory.
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