“Stream bank restoration”
an illustrated talk by Shane Marsterson from Queensland
1:30 p.m. Monday 23rd February 2009
at the office of Dr Wasan Jompakdee, Mechanical Engineering Dept. Chiang Mai University.
Shane wrote as follows: “I am a land carer and instructor in conservation based in Mareeba and have read your article in the TREAT news letter (April – June 08).
I am about to travel to Thailand this coming weekend where I spend about 5 weeks there each year with my wife who is Thai and from the Nakon Sawan province.
Over the past 6 years I have focused on developing a method of natural area stream bank restoration here in Nth Qld. which is quite distinct from most methods to date. The method was initially designed for open forest ecosystems, however it is applicable to many types of restoration areas.”
Please respond to gumhakdoisuthep@yahoo.com or call Ricky on 0849859668 if you can attend.
Shane Marsterson