International Citizens of Chiang Mai (ICCM)
Minutes of Meeting held at the Doi Suthep Study Centre, Huey Keow Rd., 12th March 2008
Meeting commenced 4.20 pm Adrian in the Chair.

Apologies: Dave Arthur, Tommy, Boong, Nikom

Present: Wasan,John Hobday, Alexander, Marty, Klaus, Bill Tuffin (Track of the Tiger), John Richard (retired USA), Paul Fihn (Los Angeles), Winnie Tan (USA), Alan Bull (UK), Barn (Chiang Mai Friends Group),Op, Ric Richardson, Kook, Nopbuan (Social Science Fac CMU).

Minutes of February meeting where Jere Locke spoke not presented.


  • 1. Working Groups
    • Report
  • 2. Structure of ICCM
    • 1.1 – Education
      Group has had only one meeting. The chairman and John Hobday who chaired the Education Group discussed the issue of cooperation with local NGO’s, John reporting that this seemed too difficult at present. The discussion broadened to that of the role of ICCM raising possibilities that the focus be networking, advocacy or otherwise. No motion was put.
    • 1.2 – Smoke & Fire
      An interest group (Adrian, Klaus, John H & Wasan) has formed concentrating on management of the eastern face of Doi Suthep adjacent to Ban Chang Kien. It plans, with the Assistance of 2 CMU students, to study 6 watersheds and the use made of the area by forest product collectors, water users and businesses. A stake-holders meeting is proposed in 2 months time.
      Alexander announced he was advanced in developing a village (72 households) waste management and rubbish burning proposal I n Mae Rim.
      The meeting resolved that the Smoke & Fire group meet on Friday 15th March.
    • 1.3 – Urban & Climate change
      Has met only once in January resolving to meet again once a briefing on planning for Chiang Mai could be arranged. Chiang Mai municipality (Tessaban Nakorn Ping Chiang Mai) covers 46 but urban development extends beyond this area. Dr Wasan advocated we concentrate our work in one “model” Tessaban and discussions with Tessaban Chiang Kian were well advanced. A Land Use Plan has been prepared by the Ministry of Interior not the Tessaban.
      The meeting resolved to invite the Planning Director and an academic to address the next general meeting. Dr Wasan offered to arrange this.
    • 1.4 The Vegetation Group
      Planned to meet at Samoeng at the invitation of the local Wat but monks there were ordered to other activities and a small meeting was held in Chiang Mai.
  • 2. The time for the meeting having expired the question of the structure of ICCM was deferred. Adrian offered to write a proposal (see below). Meeting adjourned to 16th/21st April.

Ideas for Our Group – by Adrian Peiper

  1. Maintaining a web site presenting the mission, the activities of the group and the way to register as a member.
  2. Distributing an electronic newsletter to the members every three months, in which they can report their activities related to the environment of Chiangmai.

The “executive committee”

There will be the following functions:

  1. A coordinator and an assistant coordinator. It is their task to coordinate between the group and invited speakers or guests, the local administration, universities, NGOs and civic groups. They should be Thais or bilingual foreigners with long experience in Chiangmai. At the moment this function is being taken care of by Dr Wasan. There should be somebody to take care of his function when he is not present or does not have enough time.
  2. A secretariat consisting of three persons.
    • One person takes care of the management of internal communications by email, mainly announcing the date, place and agenda of the general meeting and the meetings of the subgroups.
    • One person takes care of making and maintaining the web site.
    • One person collects information for the quarterly newsletter, makes the newsletter and sends it around to the members by email.
    • These three persons help or replace each other when necessary.
  3. Three persons who, in turn, act as chair of the general meeting.
  4. A “press officer” for the Thai press and one for the English language press. It is their task to write articles about information, opinions and decisions coming out of the general meetings and about activities reported in the Newsletter and to send them to the press. They also invite journalists to attend the general meetings and press conferences organised by the group.
  5. A treasurer. He would be necessary if we need funds to pay for activities of the group.


Funds may be needed to facilitate activities of the group, such as for room rent, stationary, travel or press conferences. These funds will be raised from the members.